
You still have time to designate your managers

Each penya will be able to designate up to 4 managers so they can handle all the procedures with FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona started last December the official penyista identification process. Thanks to this new register, the Club can proceed to issue a digital card with exclusive advantages for this group.

The first step is appointing who is to be the manager in your penya, whose task will be that of validating each penya member. This is a very important step, so all your penyistes can be identified and registered within the new system, and therefore receive their official penyista card in the near future and enjoy all the advantages.

In addition, the managers will oversee the subsequent stages whereby information on penya members is to be stored on an online platform that will be used for all arrangements between the penya, its members and FC Barcelona, ​​such as the allocation of tickets and updating of data on each penya's board of directors.

You can register up to four managers, and you can do so via this form. It will take only a few minutes.

Once this first phase of the process is over, managers will have to register themselves as penyista in the new system, in order to proceed with penyista validation afterwards.

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